“Become, and help others become, true followers of Jesus Christ and enjoy the blessings of the Holy Temple”
Dear Members of the South Weber Stake,
When we were set apart in April 2018, Elder Taylor and Elder Becerra emphasized that our top priority was to prayerfully ask for and receive a vision for the South Weber Stake. Then, based on that vision, we should come up with specific plans for our stake, our wards and our families to accomplish the vision. They suggested that, although our plan would be unique to our stake, it might be wise to consider carefully the vision and plans already laid out by our Heavenly Father, a living prophet and other church leaders.

We know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have a plan to “bring to pass the salvation and exaltation of His children” – the Plan of Happiness. The vision and purpose for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is to assist in the work of salvation by:
- Helping members live the gospel of Jesus Christ,
- Gathering Israel through missionary work,
- Caring for the poor and needy, and
- Enabling the salvation of the dead by building temples and performing (temple) ordinances.
The Area Vision and Plan states the Church’s vision this way: “Become, and help others to become, true followers of Jesus Christ and enjoy the blessings of the holy temple.”
So, we can see the eternal vision and we know the Church’s purpose and plans. What is the vision and plan, then, for the South Weber Stake and our wards? As we were taught in our first training, there is really no need to re-invent a stake vision here. God’s plan is clear. The church, led by a prophet of God, is actively refining the plan for our day. Our stake plan is to accept and implement every aspect of President Russel M. Nelson’s plan with precision and enthusiasm. We want to be a stake and people who follow the letter and spirit of all we are asked to do. Please join with us as we work to develop and refine specific plans, goals and measurements to make this happen.
Finally, given all that we know about Heavenly Father’s plan for us, and the vision and purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the many things we can do together in our stake and wards, what is my personal vision? What is my plan? What small and specific things will I do to implement that vision in my own life and in my family? Think about it, talk about it, pray about it, write it down and make it happen. Now is the time to define and refine your personal and family plan for your own faith and testimony, missionary work, ministering, and temple service.
President David Lowry
President Joel Workman
President Jeff Niederhauser