Primary Song: “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus”
Dear Stake Members,

Please come and join us for our South Weber Stake Conference this weekend, April 22-23! Could you please share this information with your ministering families and others in your circle of friends?
Elder J. Kimo Esplin will be presiding at our conference along with Sister Kaye Esplin. Elder Esplin was recently sustained as a General Authority Seventy and will be serving in the Asia North Area presidency. Read more about them here.
Elder Esplin has invited us to prayerfully prepare for stake conference and bring our family, friends, and neighbors.
NOTE: Due to construction, NO meetings will be held at the Ogden Tabernacle.
Saturday, 4:00 pm – Stake Conference Leadership Meeting (at the stake center). For stake and ward leaders including:
- Stake presidency, high council, stake council, presidencies, secretaries, and clerks
- Stake patriarchs
- Bishoprics, secretaries, and clerks
- Organization presidencies, and secretaries (EQ, RS, Primary, YW, SS)
- YM/YW advisers and specialists
- Stake and ward mission leaders and missionaries
- Stake and ward temple & family history leaders and consultants
- Service missionaries
- Full-time missionaries
Saturday, 7:00 pm – Stake Conference Adult Session (at the stake center). For Adults 18+, bring a friend!
Sunday, 9:00 am – Stake Conference General Session (broadcast to all stake buildings plus the Highmark Charter School – NO meetings will be held at the Ogden Tabernacle) – For all stake members and neighbors. For this session, please note:
- Due to construction, NO meetings will be held at the Ogden Tabernacle
- Please attend this session at your own ward building, except:
- Families with children in the primary choir please attend at the stake center
- Members of the 9th Ward are invited to attend at the Highmark Charter School on South Weber Drive
- To help with parking at all buildings, members are invited to walk if you can
We are looking forward to an excellent stake conference weekend!
South Weber Stake Presidency
President David Lowry
President Joel Workman
President Jeffery Niederhauser