Returning Missionaries

We love and admire our returning missionaries for their dedicated and faithful service to the Lord. As they return home from this sacred experience, we encourage them to maintain their high standards, great gospel habits and friendly missionary spirit.

“My Plan” for Returning Missionaries

During the last few weeks of their mission, missionaries take an online course called My Plan. As part of this course they set goals and make plans that they will act on once they have returned home. After the missionaries complete the course, a copy of the plan is sent to their mission president, home stake president, and home bishop. This plan includes:

  • Developing a one-year vision for their future.
  • Setting goals and making plans for how they will develop spiritually, serve others, gain an education, secure employment, and date and prepare for temple marriage.

My Plan can be accessed using your missionary portal and is available for one year after returning home. Continue to think about, pray about and work on your plan and goals. Consider sharing your plans and goals with your leaders and family. Select and invite a mentor who can work with you to achieve your goals.

Stake Resources

Stake Recently-Returned Missionary Group – This group meets weekly for 8 helpful lessons.

Home ward vs YSA ward

Ward Leaders


Elders Quorum or Relief Society President

Mentors, Family and Friends

Home Ward vs. YSA Ward